Thursday, April 16, 2015

Vectagon Game Review

Vectagon Logo

Play Online: Vectagon
Developer: Ataxkt
Genre: Distance

Game Review
Vectagon is a fast paced twitch-heavy runner game crafted for the hardcore audience. This is one of those kind of games that makes your eyeballs feel like they're being forcibly twisted against your will while still in their sockets. According to its developer, been inspired by Rez, Dyad and F-Zero. Vectagon is a simple, engaging game. You'll go in thinking you'll play a short game, but soon find yourself repeating the same level at least a couple of dozen times, quickly jabbing at the screen to restart after cursing loudly from the ridiculous mistake you just made.

Vectagon is one of a rare breed of games, and what makes Vectagon such an addictive experience is its simplicity and incredibly difficulty. If you've played Super Hexagon, you understand the sort of game. You’re driving through a tunnel, and you have to move to the left and right to dodge walls that it throws up. As you go, more edges to the tunnel are added, and it gets much more difficult to manoeuvre the ship you’re in. The overall goal is to last as long as possible without getting crushed between two walls while you're zig-zagging your way through the endless tunnel. The controls are surprisingly responsive and silky smooth, but not my reaction time.

It can be frustrating and punishing for those who are not good enough, while rewarding those who master it with a supreme sense of satisfaction. But each playthrough is worth it though, as just breaking your own personal record by a second! It will test your reflexes, patience and endurance just to survive 20 seconds in the gentlest of its modes and possibly hours of training before you can go for a 30 seconds maybe? If you’re a fan of hard runner games, I recommend putting this on a watch list.

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