Friday, October 24, 2014

How To Be a Gamer: Choosing A Gaming Platform

Choosing A Gaming Platform
You may be a casual gamer, or not a gamer at all, but if you want to be a real gamer, it will take a little time, effort and money! This guide will help you get started, but gaming is not for some people. If you are adamant on becoming a gamer in a certain area, then you must have the machine, gear & accessories to get started. For most people, there is always a debate whether they should go for PC gaming or Console gaming? Well, it's really a very tough choice, but it's solely based on personal preference. Let's look at the differences between PC and Console.

Personal Computer (PC)
- Most games are cheaper on PC.
- You get better graphics on up to date machines.
- Comprehensive controls (keyboard, mouse).
- Most RPG and RTS games are made for PC controls.
- Longevity of games increased with mods, often user-made on some games (usually free).
- Dedicated servers.
- Some free DLC as with console games.
- Hardware / software issues can potentially be fixed yourself if needs be.

- Constant need to upgrade hardware.
- Constant patching of games.
- Less comfort whilst playing (office chair/desk).
- Constant need to keep drivers up to date to ensure the games run as best as possible.
- Loads of settings for video/sound in-game which need ‘tinkering' in order to get the game running as best it can on your PC.
- No split screen for local multiplayer.
- Initial set-up cost for high-end PC can be expensive.
- Continuing to keep PC ‘high-end' will be a constant, often expensive battle as bigger and better graphics cards come out, for example.

- Convenience (sofa gaming).
- Little to no video/sound adjustments needed.
- Local multiplayer (split screen) for social/party gaming.
- Plug and play, easy console initial set up.
- Some DLC for games is free as with PC games.
- Patching of games is limited and rarely causes much delay for games you play often.
- Required updating of the console itself is limited.
- Most people have a bigger TV than PC monitor, so big screen gaming is more feasible.

- Graphically inferior to high-spec PCs.
- More restrict controls, with keyboard and mouse better for some games.
- DLC can be unnecessarily expensive for what you actually get.
- No dedicated servers.
- MMORPGs would not work on Xbox One (live subscription and MMO monthly fee! Not likely.) MMORPGs might work for PS4s, but they're more natural on PC.
- Games are more expensive.
- RROD/hardware faults generally mean entire console needs to be sent back to get fixed.
- Games you play less often may have major patch updates needed before the game will load.

I like them both equally, but if I really have to pick one... My bias is definitely towards PC over Console gaming at a young age, though that's mostly due to the strategy being my favourite genre. Don't get me wrong, I like my consoles for the exclusives and newly released games, but PC gives me many of the same games with double the frame rate, loading times 3 times as fast, better graphics and superior online play. And I quickly realize most of the benefits of console gaming can be had on the PC. I heard you want to play with a controller? Just get those controller and plug it in. There are software out in the internet that enable your controller to play on PC. I also heard you want to play while sitting on a couch? No worries, simply hook up your computer to your TV with HDMI cable. Done! You can have the same gaming experience as a console.

I've always been a PC guy, but I don't mind playing the consoles too. How about you?

1 comment:

  1. I'm a Console guy, but just because I can get to play great games paying less for the platform. To play some of the newest game, I would need a really great and expensive PC.
