Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pre-Civilization: Stone Age Game Review & Walkthrough Guide

Pre-Civilization: Stone Age
Pre Civilization Stone Age Logo

Play Online: Pre-Civilization: Stone Age
Developer: Mikhail Vasilyev & Andrew Schmitt
Genre: Simulation, Strategy

Game Review
Let's briefly talk more about the genre, simulation. I realize I am not playing and exploring the genre enough. Till date, I only have three game reviews on the genre shows that I lack exposure to it. It's time, I shall do more. Pre-Civilization: Stone Age is a simulation and strategy flash game that I really enjoyed this great game for what it is.

In Pre-Civilization: Stone Age, you are to create and lead your own tribe from the first human primates lived 4 million years ago to the first civilizations of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Your primary objective of the game is to develop your primitive encampment to a full city in the least amount of 100 turns. There is a lot need to be done... Like sustaining a steady food production for a growing population, getting enough resources to build houses and palaces and defending the village by ward off enemy attacks. You need to be very effective with your management skills and do expect the unexpected events.

The game itself seems pretty well thought out, was more complex than I thought it would be. Great game, however could be better. Winning seems more a matter of luck than skill, either you will encounter enough random events that benefit you in the right ways at the right times to increase population and such or you won't. Because you can only upgrade technology and build so fast, all of this is based on population. Meanwhile, the population grows way too slow to be meaningful beating the game. Any one or two random disasters can ruin you the whole game. Basically, it's challenging especially when playing in chieftain or deity mode.

The game has so much potential and half of me wants to dive back into the game right now to beat deity mode. A creative game that I had a good time trying to beat. In my opinion, this is fun, hope to see a second one someday!

Pre-Civilization: Stone Age Guide
List of Techs in Pre-Civilization: Stone Age
4000 - 1000k Years B.C.
Description: Unlocks the activity 'Gathering': Each person makes 2 food, 10 people max.
Requirements: Nothing

Knowledge of Plants
Description: Gathering + 10 people max and + 1 food per person.
Requirements: Research Points 1, Gathering

Use of Fire
Description: Population + 5 maximum.
Requirements: Research Points 1.

Crude Stone Tools
Description: Unlocks the activity 'Stoneworking': Each person makes 3 production, 5 people max. Unlocks the building of dwelling.
Requirements: Research Points 1.

Fur Clothing
Description: Population + 10 maximum.
Requirements: Research Points 1, Crude Stone Tools.

Improved Stone Tools
Description: Stoneworking + 10 people max. Unlocks the building of workshop.
Requirements: Research Points 1, Crude Stone Tools

Description: Unlocks the activity 'Hunting': Each person makes 3 food, 5 people max. Strength + 20%.
Requirements: Research Points 1.

Primitive Weapons
Description: Strength + 30%.
Requirements: Research Points 1, Hunting

1000 - 50k Years B.C.
Advanced Gathering
Description: Gathering + 30 people max.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 1000k Years B.C. and Knowledge of Plants.

Description: Unlocks the activity 'Worship': Each person makes 3 culture, 10 people max. Unlocks the building of Burial Place.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 1000k Years B.C. and Use of Fire.

Description: Worship + 15 Pwople Max
Requirements: Research Points 1, 1000k Years B.C. and Religion.

Building of Fire
Description: Population + 20 maximum.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 1000k Years B.C. and Use of Fire.

Description: Population + 100 maximum.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 1000k Years B.C. and Building of Fire.

Advanced Stone Tools
Description: Stonework + 20 people max.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 1000k Years B.C. and Improved Stone Tools.

Thrown Weapons
Description: Strength + 50%.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 1000k Years B.C. and Primitive Weapons.

Description: Hunting + 5 people max, and + 1 food per person. Unlocks the building of hunting camp.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 1000k Years B.C. and Hunting.

Captive Animals
Description: Hunting + 10 people max. Unlocks the building Storage.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 1000k Years B.C. and Trapping.

Description: Unlocks the activity 'Fishing': Each person makes 3 food, 20 people max.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 1000k Years B.C. and Hunting.

50 - 4k Years B.C.
Description: Unlocks the activity 'Food Production', + 2 food per person, 200 people max.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 50k Years B.C. and Advanced Gathering.

Description: Passive growth of culture and production + 20%.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 50k Years B.C. and Agriculture.

Description: Worship + 50 people max.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 50k Years B.C. and Art.

Description: Population + 400 maximum.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 50k Years B.C. and Shelter

Description: Population + 200 maximum. Unlocks the building Megalith.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 50k Years B.C., Shelter and Component Tools.

Cloth Outfit
Description: Population + 1000 maximum.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 50k Years B.C. and Fur Clothing

Component Tools
Description: Stoneworking +174 people max. Unlocks the building Palisades.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 50k Years B.C. and Stone Tools.

Ranged Weapons
Description: Strength + 100%.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 50k Years B.C. and Thrown Weapons.

Description: Hunting + 100 Maximum.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 50k Years B.C. and Captive Animals.

Animal Husbandry
Description: Unlocks the activity 'Food Production', +3 food per person, 200 people max.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 50k Years B.C. and Domestication.

Fish Hooks
Description: Fishing + 40 people max, and + 1 food per person.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 50k Years B.C. and Fishing.

Fishing Nets
Description: Fishing + 120 people max and + 2 food per person.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 50k Years B.C. and Fishing Nets.

Social class
Description: Unlocks the building palace and possibility to win the game.
Requirements: Research Points 1, 50k Years B.C., Barter and Architecture.

List of Buildings in Pre-Civilization: Stone Age
Description: Population + 10 maximum, + 20% to passive growth of culture and production.
Requirements: Technology: Crude Stone Tools, Production Points: 100.

Description: Stonework production + 1 per person.
Requirements: Technology: Improved Stone Tools, Production Points: 400.

Hunting Camp
Description: Hunting + 10 people maximum, + 1 food per person to hunting.
Requirements: Technology: Trapping, Production Points: 800.

Burial Place
Description: Culture + 1 per person for worship.
Requirements: Technology: Religion, Production Points: 1400.

Description: Passive Growth of culture and production + 20%.
Requirements: Technology: Captive Animals, Production Points: 3000.

Description: Strength + 200%.
Requirements: Technology: Component Tools, Production Points: 5400.

Description: Worship + 125 people maximum stonework production + 2 per person.
Requirements: Technology: Architecture, Production Points: 7000.

Description: Beat the game.
Requirements: Technology: Social class, Production Points: 15000.

List of Evolution in Pre-Civilization: Stone Age
Description: Basic type of human-primate, no bonuses.
Requirements: None.

Homo Habilis
Description: Improved form of human-primate, culture bonus 20%.
Requirements: Production points 50.

Homo Erectus
Description: Improved form of human-primate, culture bonus 40%.
Requirements: Production points 1000.

Homo Heidelbergensis
Description: Primative people, culture bonus 60%.
Requirements: Production points 2500.

Homo Sapiens
Description: Modern Humans, culture bonus 100%.
Requirements: Production points 12000.

Pre-Civilization: Stone Age Walkthrough
- First off, if the first event is an ice age, you aren't gonna win, so restart if ice hits early (finding a nut grove, on the other hand, is badass to put it bluntly).
- You can ignore risk for at least most of the first age which means have no guards if you have population space, growth is much more important, but try not to underestimate the Barbarians later on, as they will wreck you if their stats are high.
- Cheat dumb barbarians when you can, as it results in no loss, which is quite precious.
- Despite the above tip, its actually safe to have risk up to around 30-35%.
- The strength of your guards has nothing to do with neither the stats of barbarians or storms, nor your odds of winning a fight against barbarians.
- Don't bother getting fishing. I'm not sure if it gets better than farming for a per worker rate, but you can grow fast enough without fishing.
- Once you hit a new age, you normally get a new boost in pop cap, so get everyone on food jobs if you can once the pop cap increase comes.
- As a last resort against strong barbarians, if they're after your forest, maybe your desert, it's worth it to just surrender those lands, as the forest will be useless once you get farming (get both the techs for farming). You'll need the mountains though, so do not let them take that, as barbarian land grabs are permanent and every bit counts when your shooting for palace building.
- If the barbians eat your people, you may actually be able to recover if you have a lightning fast population growth speed.
- Other than that, victory rides heavily on luck, mostly the lack of an Ice Age, so one of the only ways to get victory is keep trying and hope for better luck.

The first tech you should get is the gathering boost (2 cherries). Getting hunting seems like a decent idea, but only opens 5 work slots instead of 10, so hold off on that for a little. The next most important thing to population growth is cultural growth for technology, but you don't unlock the desert until the next age, so you'll have to make due with getting Use Of Fire next for a higher pop. cap. I've tried stone tools early instead, but having more people earlier pays off later, not to mention each person generates culture and production on their own, even guards. Stone tools is pretty important too though, so get that as your third tech.

Once you start mining, work straight towards building Dwellings as soon as possible for an extra, much needed pop cap increase, and build up population from there. Cloth clothing can very much be worth it, so you might want to get Fur Clothing, but not if its right when the next age is about to happen, you'll want to save it for Religion. Then once hitting the next age, get Religion to boost your tech a lot, then Building of Fire for a pop cap boost, followed by getting Trapping asap since hunting becomes more effective than gathering in the second age. You may also want to skip building a Workshop so you can build a Hunting Camp, it can help a ton.

From there, the idea is to grow as fast as possible, but do not totally neglect production, as starting early can be the difference between victory and failure. You know you should be doing well if you evolve to Homo-Erectus before the third age. Quick note about the third age: if you have spare tech points from not getting fishing which you shouldn't fish, then you should get Architecture right away to both heavily boost production cap and have a nice pop cap boost, which should be well needed by now.

If you're doing a wonderful job, you'll possibly have a totem pole in the desert, and have the farm fully staffed by turn 85 or earlier, which is when you should work exclusively towards the palace. Keep upping mining tech if mountains are full. Also, you should consider boosting farming further level up Agriculture, that's what I did.

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