Saturday, December 29, 2012

Farm of Souls Game Review & Walkthrough Guide

Farm of Souls
Farm of Souls Logo

Play Online: Farm of Souls
Developer: Siveran
Genre: Simulation, Upgrades

Game Review
Farm of Souls is in actual point the strangest game I have come across. This game is like a broken pencil, pointless... Yet I've been playing it for hours, it is certainly addictive in its ways. May I say that figuring out the game is the fun part! You will know for those who played the game. ^^

I see Farm of Souls as a simulation where you hit space to create people. They will begin to construct a stash and towns using the resources laying about in the field. People cannot pick up the heavier resources such as stone, iron, silver, gold until they’re higher levels. Nothing will last forever, people die. They will give you souls on their death, based on their happiness. As long as you make people die the happiest deaths, you will harvest the most souls. You then can use these souls to either make more people or upgrade them. Sounds interesting right?

This game actually took me a while to get the hang of, quite honestly. When I first began playing, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Especially the class tree, I was extremely confused about that. After a few comment reads, in-game days, and random button clicking later, I began to understand and things picked up the pace. Once you understand how it works, it immediately turns into a great idle game! The progress of civilization to a nice little village, to a town, then a medieval city and lastly skyscrapers everywhere.

There's nothing more satisfying than allowing all of your people to die, then holding space to re-spawn the maximum amount and having a ton of souls left over for upgrades. I find it a little adorable how the churches have a letter K on them, for Kongregate. It was a really nice little touch. Absolutely love the concept. Keep going! You have my support.

Farm of Souls Guide
List of upgrades in Farm of Souls
Speed - Worker speed.
Life - Worker longevity, 1.5 seconds per point.
Sight - Range to spot resources, 1/4 tile per point.
Land - Tiles of land owned. Can't be sold.

List of Characters in Farm of Souls
Basic Person - 1x anything. Lv1

Scavenger - 1x anything. Lv 2
Farmer - 2x dirt and wood. Lv 6
Logger - 4x wood. Lv10

Miner - 1x all but wood and dirt. Resource upgraded. Lv4
Prospector - 2x stone and iron. Lv8
Smith - 3x iron. Lv12

Servant - 1x iron, silver, gold. Lv4
Investor - 1x rion, silver, gold. Resource upgraded. Lv7
Royal - 3x gold. Lv14

Peasant - 2x dirt, wood, clay. Lv3
Worker - 2x anything but silver, gold. Lv7
Engineer - 2x anything. Lv11

Scholar - 1x all but dirt. Lv5
Mage - 1x anything. Resource upgraded. Lv10
Wizard - 2x anything. Resource upgraded. Lv15

List of Buildings in Farm of Souls
1.Well - Makes resources worth 1% more.
2.Outhouse - Makes resources worth 2% more.
3.Store - Makes resources worth 3% more.
4.Skyscraper - Make resources worth 5% more.

1.Ditch - Slightly increases resources spawn rate.
2.Canal - Increases resource spawn rate.
3.Mill - Greatly increases resource spawn rate.
4.Mine - Hugely increases resource spawn rate.

1.Crops - Raises population limit by 5.
2.Orchard - Raises population limit by 10.
3.Farm - Raises population limit by 15.
4.Tree of Life - Raises population limit by 25.

1.Stash - Build simple things.
2.Crate - Builds basic buildings.
3.Storage - Builds most buildings.
4.Warehouse - Build everything.

1.Cottage - Spawns 1 person every in-game day.
2.House - Spawns 2 person every in-game day.
3.Large House - Spawns 3 person every in-game day.
4.Apartment - Spawns 5 people every in-game day.

1.Stone Tablet - Cause people to class-up slightly more often.
2.Library - Causes people to class-up a little more often.
3.School - Causes people to class-up more often.
4.University - Cause people to class-up a lot more often.

1.Garden - People stop here to take a long break. +1 xp/5seconds
2.Park - People stop here to take a medium break. +1 xp/3seconds
3.Zoo - People stop here to take a medium break. +1 xp/2seconds
4.Theatre - People stop here to take a very short break. +1 xp/second

1.Statue - +1 soul per 100 levels.
2.Church - +2 soul per 100 levels.
3.Temple - +3 soul per 100 levels.
4.Cathredal - +5 souls per l00 levels.

List of Achievements in Farm of Souls
Dirt Farmer - Gather 100 dirt. Unlocks Scavenger.
Got Wood? - Gather 100 wood. Unlocks Farmer.
Why Are We Gathering This, Again? - Gather 1000 dirt. Unlocks Lumberjack.
The Clay Is Alive - Gather 100 Clay. Unlock Miner.
Gorgon - Gather 100 stone. Unlocks Prospector.
Iron Will - Gather 1,000 iron. Unlock Blacksmith.
It's Siveran not Silveran - Gather 100 silver. Unlocks Servant.
All You Touched Turned Into Gold - Gather 100 gold. Unlock Investor.
Ooh, Shiny - Gather 1000 combined silver and gold. Unlock Royal.
I Can't Eat This - Gather one resource. Unlocks Peasant.
No Rest For Our Souls - Harvest 100 souls. Unlocks Worker.
Epic - Get a person to level 20. Unlocks Engineer.
Upgraded - Have 100 combined stats. Unlocks Scholar.
Forkbomb - Have 100 people at one time. Unlocks Apprentice.
Grim Keeper - Store 10,000 souls at once. Unlocks Wizard.
Why Would You Do This - Play for one in-game week. Unlocks Zoo.
The Moon Didn't Move - Play for one in-game month. Unlocks Theatre.
Dirty Hands - Gather 2,500 dirt. Unlocks Mill.
Size Enhancement - Have 100 land. Unlocks Mine.
Soul Farmer - Harvest 10,000 souls. Unlock Temple.
Dying Has a Burning Sensation - 10,000 souls burned on stats. Unlocks Cathedral.
Electrum - Gather 100 combined gold and silver. Unlock Store.
All the Better to See You With - 100 sight. Unlocks Skyscraper.
Paper - Gather 1,000 wood. Unlocks School.
Technology - Build 100 buildings. Unlocks University.
Phoenix - Reincarnate 1,000 people. Unlocks Large House.
Idle Game - 1,000 people spawned from houses. Unlock Apartment.
Gotta Build Em All - Build 20 buildings. Unlocks Farm.
Limit Breaker - 100 Speed. Unlocks Life Tree.
Rome Wasn't Built in a Day - Build 10 buildings. Unlocks Storage.
Metropolis - Build 50 buildings. Unlocks Warehouse.

Solution to Farm of Souls
First of all, Place your workers until you are at population max. Wait for them work and die. Now max cap the people and this time spend the left over souls on upgrades you think are appropriate. It's hard to decide which upgrade you should up. So this is going to be a simple and brief guide on choosing your upgrades.

If people are wandering in the middle, give them more sight. If the game is going slow for you, upgrade speed. And yes, life up is not really a good thing in the early phase but highly useful in the later part. The odd flowers and trees make resources spawn much faster, and are automatically built when your guys build up enough resources. It'll make more sense when the other buildings are put in. They'll make a small town but won't venture out and become happy until you upgrade their sight. Sight does not suck for an upgrade, don't be fooled.

By the time somewhere between 450 and 500 life, the buildings start spawning people faster than they die. At around 350 speed, you can see your people running at the speed of light. If you come to this point, you can stop adding life and speed. Your game basically went auto pilot itself. You can now concentrate and focus on other upgrades especially land.

Pro Tip: An easy way to make souls is to place as many people as you can near resources.

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